Innovation – Open view page

General information

Innovation ID540
Version ID5
Innovation TitleLow-cost and energy-efficient small-scale flash dryer for cassava
Innovation description Drying of cassava starch and flour is essential to ensure longer shelf life. Low-cost and energy-efficient pneumatic flash dryers represent a viable alternative to sun-drying for small processing units.
Reporting Staff Thierry Tran (CIAT), Luis Taborda (CIAT)
Year (Reporting)2020
Reporting statusApproved
Innovation TypeProduction systems and Management practices

Stage reached

Stage of InnovationStage 4: uptake by next user
Year (Stage)2020
Stage DescriptionThree equipment manufacturers and six cassava processors in Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and Colombia have built and installed models of improved flash dryers, based on the design and technical specifications provided by the RTB team.
Next User OrganizationDevelopment organizations,Private sector
Has a lead organizationyes
Lead OrganizationAlliance Bioversity International-International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Top 5 contributorsInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture; The French Agricultural Research Center for International Development; University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute

Contributions and mapping

All partners Alliance Bioversity International-International Center for Tropical Agriculture-CGIAR Center/Program (Center); Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Federal Institute of Industrial Research-Government; Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo-Academic Institutions (universities, colleges, etc.); Federal University of Technology-Academic Institutions (universities, colleges, etc.); Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Food Research Institute-Regional and sub-Regional Organizations ; International Center for Tropical Agriculture-CGIAR Center/Program (Center); International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics-CGIAR Center/Program (Center); International Institute of Tropical Agriculture-CGIAR Center/Program (Center); The French Agricultural Research Center for International Development-International Agricultural Research Centers; Universidad del Valle-Academic Institutions (universities, colleges, etc.)
Main CRP CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas
Flagship project FP4-Nutritious RTB food and added value through postharvest intervention
Cluster CA4.2-Raising incomes and improving the health and safety at small and medium cassava processing centers, preferentially for women and youth in rural and urban areas
Other CRPs-Flagships-Clusters


Geographic scopeNational
CountriesColombia,Democratic Republic of the Congo,Ghana,Nigeria,United Republic of Tanzania

Targeted outcomes

Main Sub-IDO More efficient use of inputs
Other Sub-IDO Diversified enterprise opportunities
Other Sub-IDO


Evidences"Adebayo Abass. (31/1/2018). Dissemination workshop on pneumatic flash dryer for drying of high quality cassava flour. Ibadan, Nigeria: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).""Marcelo Precoppe, Gregory Komlaga. (13/12/2019). Energy performance of a pneumatic dryer and of a flatbed dryer used for small-scale cassava processing.""Marcelo Precoppe. (26/9/2018). Capacity building on dimensioning, design and operation of small-scale pneumatic dryers (2 - interim report September 2018).""Marcelo Precoppe, Gregory Komlaga. (12/12/2019). Improved energy performance of small-scale pneumatic dryers used for cassava processing. London, United Kingdom: University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute (GRE-NRI).""Technical drawings of small-scale flash dryer for cassava flour (HQCF) and starch, 300 kg/h capacity.""Adegbite Sirojdeen, Adebayo Abass, Prof. O. J. Olukunle, A. P. Olalusi, W. B. Asiru, Wasiu Awoyale. (18/1/2019). Mass and Energy Balance Analysis of Pneumatic Dryers for Cassava and Development of Optimization Models to Increase Competitiveness in Nigeria. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 32 (3), pp. 1-11.""Marcelo Precoppe. (7/1/2021). A novel feeding system for pneumatic drying of cassava. London, United Kingdom: CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas.""Marcelo Precoppe. (11/12/2018). Capacity building on dimensioning, designing and operating small-scale pneumatic dryers (3 end-of-year report).""Marcelo Precoppe. (19/11/2020). Feeding system for cassava pneumatic drying. London, United Kingdom: University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute (GRE-NRI).""Marcelo Precoppe. (17/7/2018). Capacity building on design, construction and operation of small-scale pneumatic dryers (1 - initial report June 2018).""Marcelo Precoppe, Thierry Tran, Arnaud Chapuis, Joachim Müller, Adebayo Abass. (17/11/2016). Improved energy performance of small-scale pneumatic dryers used for processing cassava in Africa. Biosystems Engineering, 151, pp. 510-519.""Marcelo Precoppe. (6/1/2021). Construction guide of a small-scale pneumatic dryer to process cassava. United Kingdom: University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute (GRE-NRI)."

Linked Elements

Outcome Impact Case Use of Efficient Small scale Flash Dryer by eleven private cassava flour/starch processors led to increased profitability in Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and Colombia
Efficient, small-scale flash dryers helped ten cassava processors to improve flour capacity production, income and profitability in Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and Colombia