Innovation – Open view page

General information

Innovation ID58
Version ID23
Innovation TitleWaxing: A technology for extending the shelf-life of fresh cassava roots in Africa
Innovation description Protocol for waxing treatment to extend the shelf-life of fresh cassava roots in Africa.
Reporting Staff Adebayo Abass (IITA), Dominique Dufour (CIRAD)
Year (Reporting)2017
Reporting statusApproved
Innovation TypeProduction systems and Management practices

Stage reached

Stage of InnovationStage 3: available/ ready for uptake
Year (Stage)2017
Stage DescriptionThe protocols for cassava waxing have been elaborated. Manuals for fresh cassava roots handling for waxing have also been prepared to scale the innovation.
Has a lead organizationyes
Lead OrganizationInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Top 5 contributorsInternational Center for Tropical Agriculture

Contributions and mapping

All partners International Institute of Rural Reconstruction-International Development Organizations (including Development Projects); International Institute of Tropical Agriculture-CGIAR Center/Program (Center); Kyambogo University-Academic Institutions (universities, colleges, etc.); Makerere University-Academic Institutions (universities, colleges, etc.); National Agricultural Research Organisation-National Agricultural Research System (NARS)
Main CRP CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas
Flagship project FP4-Nutritious RTB food and added value through postharvest intervention
Cluster CA4.2-Raising incomes and improving the health and safety at small and medium cassava processing centers, preferentially for women and youth in rural and urban areas
Other CRPs-Flagships-Clusters


Geographic scopeNational

Targeted outcomes

Main Sub-IDO
Other Sub-IDO
Other Sub-IDO


EvidencesAbass, A. Extending the shelf life of cassava through waxing. Independent Steering Commitee. September 6th 2017. Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). 1 p

"Adebayo Abass, Harriet Muyinza, euphraim nuwamanya, Pamela Nyamutoka, Moses Matovu, Kelly Wanda, Simon Peter Waigumba, Innocent Kwagala, Geoffrey Menya, Sharon Aceng, Elizabeth Nyakaisiki, Robert Kaliisa. (31/3/2017). Efficacy of pruning, waxing and relative humidity storage in extending shelf-life of fresh cassava roots."

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Outcome Impact Case