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General information

Innovation ID61
Version ID25
Innovation TitleParticipatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA)
Innovation description This multi-stakeholder approach is based on a flexible three-stage participatory process to improve communication, build trust, and facilitate collaboration among value chain stakeholders so that they can jointly identify, analyze, and exploit new market opportunities.
Reporting Staff Claudio Velasco Mc Lean (CIP), Diego Naziri (CIP)
Year (Reporting)2018
Reporting statusApproved
Innovation TypeSocial Science

Stage reached

Stage of InnovationStage 4: uptake by next user
Year (Stage)2018
Stage DescriptionParticipatory Market Chain Approach has been extensively used in value chain development interventions in Latin America, Africa and Asia. In 2016, the approach was revisited to make it more gender-sensitive. In 2018, results of a comparative study were published and show the usefulness of this and other value chain development approaches.
Has a lead organizationyes
Lead OrganizationInternational Potato Center
Top 5 contributorsNo contributors

Contributions and mapping

All partners Independent / Not associated-Private Sector; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center-CGIAR Center/Program (Center); International Potato Center-CGIAR Center/Program (Center); Bioversity International-CGIAR Center/Program (Center); International Institute of Tropical Agriculture-CGIAR Center/Program (Center)
Main CRP CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas
Flagship project FP4-Nutritious RTB food and added value through postharvest intervention
Cluster CC4.1-Demand-led approaches to drive postharvest innovation and nutrition improvements
Other CRPs-Flagships-Clusters


Geographic scopeGlobal

Targeted outcomes

Main Sub-IDO
Other Sub-IDO
Other Sub-IDO


EvidencesOrdinola, M.; Devaux, A.; Bernet, T.; Manrique, K.; Lopez, G.; Fonseca, C.; Horton, D. 2014. The PMCA and potato market chain innovation in Peru. Papa Andina Innovation Brief 3. International Potato Center. Lima, Peru. 8 p.

Bernet, T.; Thiele, G.; Zschocke, T. (eds.) 2012. Participatory market chain approach (PMCA): User guide. Lima (Peru). International Potato Center (CIP). ISBN 978-92-9060-415-0. 2. ed. 167 p.

Mayanja, S.; Barone, S.; McEwan, M.; Thomas, B.; Amaya, N.; Terrillon, J.; Velasco, C.; Babini, C.; Thiele, G.; Prain, G.; Devaux, A. 2016. Prototype guide for integrating gender into participatory market chain approach. Lima (Peru). International Potato Center. 103 p.

"Diego Naziri, Sarah Mayanja, James Ssemwanga, Jason Donovan. (1/12/2017). Approaches and tools for inclusive value chain development: lessons from Uganda for improved impact. Enterprise Development and Microfinance, 28 (4)."Devaux, A.; Ordinola, M.; Mayanja, S.; Campilan, D.; Horton, D. 2013. The Participatory Market Chain Approach: From the Andes to Africa and Asia. Papa Andina Innovation Brief 1. International Potato Center. Lima, Peru. 4 p.

Bernet, T.; Devaux, A.; Thiele, G.; Lopez, G.; Velasco, C.; Manrique, K.; Ordinola, M. (2008) The participatory market chain approach: stimulating pro-poor market-chain innovation. ILAC Brief (21) 4 p.

Mayanja, S.; Akello, B.; Horton, D.; Kisauzi, D; Magala, D. 2014. Value-chain development in Uganda: Lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA). In: Triomphe, B.; Waters-Bayer, A.; Klerkx, L.; Schut, M.; Cullen, B.; Kamau, G.; LeBorgne, E. (eds.). Innovation in smallholder farming in Africa: recent advances and recommendations, Proceedings. International Workshop on Agricul

Horton, D.; Campilan, D.; Prasetya, B.; Gani, H.; Pakih, M.; Kusmana. 2013. The PMCA, business development services and farmer business schools in Indonesia. Papa Andina Innovation Brief 5. International Potato Center, Lima, Peru. 6 p.

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