Innovation – Open view page

General information

Innovation ID657
Version ID512
Innovation TitleOptimum harvest time and green shelf life for banana (matoke) in Uganda
Innovation description The proposed innovation is based on the use of a 1-MCP, an ethylene inhibitor, to extend the postharvest storage of matooke. The protocol used consisted in (i) incubating the fruit into into an air tight jar fitted with a septum, (ii) Injecting into the jar a freshly prepared 1-MCP (1-Methyl Cyclopropene) and incubating at room temperature. Following the treatment, treated fruit are stored at room temperature until used.
Reporting Staff Emmanuel Alamu (IITA)
Year (Reporting)2020
Reporting statusApproved
Innovation TypeProduction systems and Management practices

Stage reached

Stage of InnovationStage 1: discovery/proof of concept
Year (Stage)2021
Stage DescriptionThe innovation was tested on matooke and cassava over several harvest sessions. Preliminary data gave promising result with a reduction of physiological postharvest deterioration in cassava and extending matooke green life. Treated-material need to be characterized to ensure its quality was at least preserved.
Has a lead organizationyes
Lead OrganizationInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Top 5 contributorsInternational Potato Center; Alliance Bioversity International-International Center for Tropical Agriculture

Contributions and mapping

All partners The French Agricultural Research Center for International Development-International Agricultural Research Centers; International Potato Center-CGIAR Center/Program (Center)
Main CRP CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas
Flagship project FP4-Nutritious RTB food and added value through postharvest intervention
Cluster CC4.1-Demand-led approaches to drive postharvest innovation and nutrition improvements
Other CRPs-Flagships-Clusters


Geographic scopeNational

Targeted outcomes

Main Sub-IDO Reduced production risk
Other Sub-IDO Increased capacity of beneficiaries to adopt research outputs
Other Sub-IDO


Evidences"Didier Mbeguie a Mbeguie. (30/1/2019). Ethylene emissions during fresh storage of matooke bananas (Uganda) [Dataset on gas emissions from matooke bananas during storage and ripening]."

Linked Elements

Outcome Impact Case