Innovation – Open view page

General information

Innovation ID755
Version ID570
Innovation TitleHigh throughput phenotyping (HTPP) tools for screening postharvest quality traits in improved cassava genotypes in Uganda
Innovation description The tool increases the accuracy of varietal screening by integrating postharvest quality traits among the criteria for screening. This is made possible by low-cost HTPP tools developed in synergy RTB cluster teams and RTB Foods Projects.
Reporting Staff Thierry Tran (CIAT)
Year (Reporting)2021
Reporting statusApproved
Innovation TypeBiophysical Research

Stage reached

Stage of InnovationStage 4: uptake by next user
Year (Stage)2021
Stage DescriptionThe French Agricultural Research Center for International Development (CIRAD) has created a promising protocol to quickly measure the cooking time required for cassava, based on the amount of water absorbed during a 30-minute boiling and changes in density. Ugandan National Agricultural Research and CGIAR Centers have shown interest in using.
Next User OrganizationPrivate sector
Has a lead organizationyes
Lead OrganizationThe French Agricultural Research Center for International Development
Top 5 contributorsInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture; National Crops Resources Research Institute; Alliance Bioversity International-International Center for Tropical Agriculture

Contributions and mapping

All partners
Main CRP CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas
Flagship project FP4-Nutritious RTB food and added value through postharvest intervention
Cluster CA4.2-Raising incomes and improving the health and safety at small and medium cassava processing centers, preferentially for women and youth in rural and urban areas
Other CRPs-Flagships-Clusters CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas,FP4-Nutritious RTB food and added value through postharvest intervention


Geographic scopeNational

Targeted outcomes

Main Sub-IDO Conducive environment for managing shocks and vulnerability, as evidenced in rapid response mechanisms.
Other Sub-IDO Increased conservation and use of genetic resources
Other Sub-IDO


EvidencesHernán Ceballos, Clair Hershey, Carlos Iglesias, Xiaofei Zhang, Fifty years of a public cassava breeding program: evolution of breeding objectives, methods, and decision-making processes, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 10.1007/s00122-021-03852-9, (2021).

Linked Elements

Outcome Impact Case CIAT, Uganda’s NaCRRI and IITA use a protocol developed by CIRAD to quickly measure the cooking time for cassava root and meet consumers’ demand