Innovation – Open view page

General information

Innovation ID768
Version ID583
Innovation TitleSpecifications for the Right Packaging and Storage of Root, Tuber, and Banana-based Products in Nigeria
Innovation description Root, tuber, and banana-based products such as gari, and yam and plantain flours are hygroscopic and losses their quality during storage if not packaged in the right packaging materials and stored within a specific storage period. Different packaging materials have the ability to retain the quality of these product if stored within the right storage periods.
Reporting Staff Wasiu Awoyale (IITA), Busie Maziya-Dixon (IITA)
Year (Reporting)2021
Reporting statusApproved
Innovation TypeProduction systems and Management practices

Stage reached

Stage of InnovationStage 3: available/ ready for uptake
Year (Stage)2021
Stage DescriptionPolypropylene woven sacks (PPS), high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bag and polyvinyl chloride container (PVC) were used to test their suitability for retaining the quality of stored gari, and yam and plantain flours using different varieties of cassava, yam and plantain respectively.
Has a lead organizationyes
Lead OrganizationInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Top 5 contributorsUniversity of Ibadan; Ladoke Akintola University of Technology; Kwara State University

Contributions and mapping

All partners
Main CRP CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas
Flagship project FP4-Nutritious RTB food and added value through postharvest intervention
Cluster CC4.1-Demand-led approaches to drive postharvest innovation and nutrition improvements
Other CRPs-Flagships-Clusters


Geographic scopeNational

Targeted outcomes

Main Sub-IDO Diversified enterprise opportunities
Other Sub-IDO Increased access to diverse nutrient-rich foods
Other Sub-IDO


Evidences"Emmanuel Alamu, Bussie Maziya-dixon, Wasiu Awoyale, Hakeem Oyedele. (18/4/2021). Report on Suitable storage conditions and packaging materials for gari/eba and lafun. Ibadan, Nigeria: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).""Bussie Maziya-dixon, Wasiu Awoyale, Hakeem Oyedele. (18/4/2021). Right storage conditions and packaging material for gari and flour storage with high quality retention and acceptability established . Ibadan, Nigeria: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).""Monica Parker. (15/11/2021). Outcome brief: 6 years of AVCD interventions in Kenya through the Accelerated Value Chain Development Program.""Wasiu Awoyale, Hakeem Oyedele, Bussie Maziya-dixon. (6/7/2020). Correlation of the sensory attributes of thick yam paste (amala) and the functional and pasting properties of the flour as affected by storage periods and packaging materials. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 44 (10).""Wasiu Awoyale, Hakeem Oyedele, Busie Maziya-Dixon. (7/10/2020). The functional and pasting properties of unripe plantain flour, and the sensory attributes of the cooked paste (amala) as affected by packaging materials and storage periods. Cogent Food and Agriculture, 6 (1).""Emmanuel Alamu, Bussie Maziya-dixon, Wasiu Awoyale, Hakeem Oyedele. (4/11/2021). Report on the Suitable storage conditions and packaging materials for cooked yam flour. Ibadan, Nigeria: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)."

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