Seminar/Workshop/Training Course - Workshop on
Scaling Sheep Fattening in the Ethiopian Highlands
Target Audiences
- National Agricultural Research System (NARS)
- Community Based Organizations (CBO)
- Government
Participants Gender
Male Female
ICARDA is scaling improved sheep fattening practices in the Ethiopia by targeting youth as disseminators of improved sheep fattening technologies and practices, and facilitators of participatory learning. The review workshop held in August 2019 with key stakeholders of the project to review the progress of the sheep fattening project, outlined feed resource identification, processing and optimal utilization as a key constraint to youth groups going forward. As follow-up to this concern, youth group leaders from all the 44 groups formed in 2018 with their corresponding enumerators and NARS researchers were invited to Addis to discuss various issues around feed resources availability, seasonality, quality and utilization and its implications on improved sheep fattening performance. Participants visited the ILRI Nutrition Lab on the ILRI Campus to understand processes involved in determining feed quality. All sessions during the two-day workshop were highly participatory, with technical presentations guiding the discussions.
Name of the project
Scaling up improved sheep fattening practices and technologies in Ethiopia
Purpose of the project
2. To develop and strengthen business and institutional models on the YCoop approach involving local organizations, government livestock departments and the private sector (input suppliers.
3. To consolidate and strengthen converging partnerships.
Specific objectives of the training course on contemporary approaches to extension
- To
differentiate improved from traditional sheep fattening.
- To discuss
site specific feed resource availability, seasonality and utilization.
- To unpack
terminologies in feed quality and formulation.
Specific outputs
Participants can relate nutrient composition to
feed quality and ration formulation
Participants learnt alternative utilization
options of locally available feeds.