CRP on Dryland Cereals - DC

Overview: FP2-4.13 - Conduct grain nutritional quality analysis of farmer preferred/released finger and pearl millets cultivars

Leader: Henry Fred Ojulong, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics - ICRISAT
Coleader: Prakash I Gangashetty, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics - ICRISAT

Team members: 3
Partner organizations: 1

Budget 2024
USD : 

Outputs: 1

  Activity/Product Description
Initial analysis of the finger millet and pearl millet germplasm has indicated that a lot of variability in nutrient content do exist and that a number of the locally grown varieties in the region are low in nutrient content. the released and locally grown varieties in the region will be collated and submitted for grain analysis
Code Type Output Name Leader Co-leader Deliverables Commodity View
FP2-4.13.1 Grain nutritional quality of farmer preferred/released finger and pearl millets cultivars analyzed Henry Fred Ojulong 1 Sorghum, Finger millet
  Personnel Involved