CRP on Dryland Cereals - DC

Overview: FP2-2.11 - Improve grain yield and biomass production

Leader: Alphonse Singbo, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics - ICRISAT

Team members: 3
Partner organizations: 1

Budget 2024
USD : 

Outputs: 2

  Activity/Product Description
Pearl millet inbreds/varieties/hybrids with improved yield, adaptation and grain/stover quality. Increase in pearl millet production and use for different end uses, as farmer-preferred hybrid and OPVs are made available.
Code Type Output Name Leader Co-leader Deliverables Commodity View
FP2-2.11.1 Multilocation testing across 3 locs of 15 experimental varieties and new hybrids for yield and adaptation, and stover quality traits and quantitative characterization of breeding materials for nutritional value, and enhanced source materials developed for specific purposes, including processing, a Alphonse Singbo 0 Pearl millet
FP2-2.11.2 Evaluation of newly derived hybrids and WCA pearl millet inbred association panel for grain yield and biomass production. (Niger) Alphonse Singbo 0 Pearl millet
  Personnel Involved