CRP on Dryland Cereals - DC

Overview: FP3-3.11 - Develop appropriate mechanization options for cultivation.

Leader: Sajid Rehman, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDA

Team members: 3
Partner organizations: 1

Budget 2024
USD : 

Outputs: 5

  Activity/Product Description
Tailored, gender-segregated recommendation of farm tools for Finger Millet farming ; A guideline for appropriate and economically viable farm tools for target production zones in Eastern Africa. A shift towards availing economically viable farm tools that take into consideration the needs of women and youth.
Code Type Output Name Leader Co-leader Deliverables Commodity View
FP3-3.11.1 Test and validate the agronomic relevance and labour-saving potential of locally made ploughs and farm tools in Finger Millet farming. [1. Documenting the various farm tools farmers have tried earlier and their evaluations; Sajid Rehman 0 Finger millet
FP3-3.11.2 Availing various farm tool options for farmers to test and compare with their original ploughs; Sajid Rehman 0 Finger millet
FP3-3.11.3 On-farm experimentaion with the various improved ploughs at least in two soil types and evalution of the agronomic, labour and economic benefits; Sajid Rehman 0 Finger millet
FP3-3.11.4 Participatory community assessment of the costs and benefits of these farm tools in various social categories. Sajid Rehman 0 Finger millet
FP3-3.11.5 Data analysis, interpretation and documentation for effective decision-making on priority setting.] Sajid Rehman 0 Finger millet
  Personnel Involved