CRP on Dryland Cereals - DC

Overview: FP3-4.12 - Develop management options for crop-livestock integration.

Leader: Vincent Vadez, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics - ICRISAT

Team members: 3
Partner organizations: 1

Budget 2024
USD : 

Outputs: 1

  Activity/Product Description
Integrated management solutions developed for livestock feeding involving barley feed/forage/fodder. Men and women farmers will adopt better feeding practices and reduce wastage.
Code Type Output Name Leader Co-leader Deliverables Commodity View
FP3-4.12.1 Dual-purpose varieties evaluated for integration with livestock based livelihoods (varieties, yield and forage quality): 200 on-farm trials Vincent Vadez 0 Barley
  Personnel Involved