Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area - PRIMA

Overview: NEXUS - Nexus between Water Management, Sustainable Farming and Agro-Food Chain

Project Officer Ali Rhouma, Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area - PRIMA

Team members: 167
Partner organizations: 102

EUR : 

Projects:  10

  Outcomes and Impact
Outcomes and Impact Type Indicators View
Support the identification and development of practical solutions where the use of a nexus approach can lead to improved outcomes in the integrated management of water-energy-food-ecosystems resources. research outcome 5
Increased water and energy use efficiency contributing to the reduction of conflicts in the allocation of resources and adaptation and resilience to climate change. research outcome 3
Enable the deployment of methodologies and guidelines stimulating the reduction of water use and deliver tools addressing the cascading effects and impacts on other sectors in a circular economy perspective. research outcome 2
Demonstrate how science can strengthen institutional capacities, support the intra-regional dialogue and integration of knowledge, and positively benefit multiple SDGs. research outcome 4
Ensure viability and replicability of the demonstration cases also after the end of the project. research outcome 5
Demonstrate how nexus approach provides the opportunity for building regional resilience to climate change. research outcome 3
Dissemination and Communication Plan (DCP) research outcome 0
Exploitation and Innovation Plan (EIP) research outcome 0
Data Management Plan (DMP) research outcome 0
Vineyard & Winery Living Lab (Lab1) development outcome 0
Ecolodge Living Lab (Lab2) development outcome 0
Digital Citrus Living Lab (Lab3) development outcome 0
Agrovoltaic Living Lab (Lab4) development outcome 0
WEFE framework decision-making tool: WEFeF 2.0 development outcome 1
Nexus Bridging Plans (NBPs) in the Demonstration Projects development outcome 1
Water Accounting Tool: REWAS 2.0 development outcome 1
Policy briefs on WEFe Nexus development outcome 1
Local workhops & international conference development outcome 1
Business Plans for WEFE technologies demonstrated in the target countries development outcome 1
Increase Food Security development outcome 0
Increase Water Security development outcome 0
Increase Energy security development outcome 0
Improve Gender equality development outcome 0
Create Jobs and economic growth development outcome 0
Transfer Responsible consumption and production development outcome 0
Climate action development outcome 0
Ecosystems protection development outcome 0
Degree of integration between water-related policies, such as environmental, climate, agriculture and energy policies. development outcome 0
Number of stakeholders involved in the NCoP development outcome 0
Number of Nexus demonstration cases actively engaged in the NCoP development outcome 0
Overall satisfaction index of NCOP members development outcome 0
>600 registered for newsletter updates development outcome 0
>2000 project flyers distributed development outcome 0
>100 visitors per month to knowledge hub/website development outcome 0
>4000 views of “My Nexus story” blogs, webinars and other multimedia products development outcome 0
>500 members in LinkedIn, FB, Instagram, Twitter account with 300+ followers development outcome 0
> 20 external articles in the press/media development outcome 0
> 30 face-to-face contacts made per event, for a cumulative total of 500. development outcome 0
An average of 30 participants at each webinar, for a total of 500 attendees. development outcome 0
> 150 participants each for the launch event and international conference. development outcome 0
1- The Learning & Action Alliances approach tailored to Nexus environments (as a testbed for Nexus Actions); Impacts: Ensure viability and replicability of the demonstration cases also after the end of the project; Mobilize a wide uptake by creating strong cross-sectoral links between institutions including ground-level beneficiaries and relevant public authorities that govern the Nexus approach; Strengthen scientific capacities and the set-up of a collaborative WEF Nexus space across the Mediterranean region; development outcome 0
2- The PSDM approach as documented in guidelines (to support Nexus understanding and planning); Impact(s): Contribute to the development of an operational approach to the interdependent management of Water-Ecosystems-Food resources taking into account the specificities of the Mediterranean region; Enable achievement of interlinked SDGs at the core of WEF Nexus at different levels of governance. development outcome 0
3- The knowledge base from the policy and legal frameworks analysis (subject to transferability). Impact(s): Mobilize a wide uptake by creating strong cross-sectoral links between institutions including ground-level beneficiaries and relevant public authorities that govern the Nexus approach; Enable achievement of interlinked SDGs at the core of WEF Nexus at different levels of governance; development outcome 0
4- The coupling of cross-sectoral and multi-discipline indicators for the assessment of Nexus resilience. Impact(s): Ensure viability and replicability of the demonstration cases also after the end of the project; Contribute to the development of an operational approach to the interdependent management of Water-Ecosystems-Food resources taking into account the specificities of the Mediterranean region; Enable achievement of interlinked SDGs at the core of WEF Nexus at different levels of governance; development outcome 0
5- The LENSES data analytics and visualization platform. Impact(s): Mobilize a wide uptake by creating strong cross-sectoral links between institutions including ground-level beneficiaries and relevant public authorities that govern the Nexus approach; Contribute to the development of an operational approach to the interdependent management of Water-Ecosystems-Food resources taking into account the specificities of the Mediterranean region. development outcome 0
6- The LENSES Observatory (with Climate projections, land use mapping tool, etc.); Impact(s): Contribute to the development of an operational approach to the interdependent management of Water-Ecosystems-Food resources taking into account the specificities of the Mediterranean region. development outcome 0
7- The Ecosystem Services assessment methodologies and the framework for NBS selection and viability check. Impact(s): Enable achievement of interlinked SDGs at the core of WEF Nexus at different levels of governance; Contribute to the development of an operational approach to the interdependent management of Water-Ecosystems-Food resources taking into account the specificities of the Mediterranean region. development outcome 0
8- The LENSES SDGs toolkit. Impact(s): Contribute to the development of an operational approach to the interdependent management of Water-Ecosystems-Food resources taking into account the specificities of the Mediterranean region; Enable achievement of interlinked SDGs at the core of WEF Nexus at different levels of governance; development outcome 0
Identification of the results better suited to be considered in innovation actions development outcome 1
Identification of innovative solutions towards implementing SDGs development outcome 1
To raise social awareness of the inherent value of research and innovation development outcome 2
Promote the uptake of the project results by the private sector to ensure that the more relevant previous outputs can be incorporated into the innovation system; this includes the need of better disseminating the previous project results, increasing the replicability of the offered solutions development outcome 1
A concrete strategy plan & policy recommendations to ensure long-term platform sustainability and maintenance development outcome 2
1 - Propose a climate change adaptation plan for the JV region, based on existing technologies, taking into account the social and economic priorities of the three involved countries (Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority); research outcome 4
2 - Use techno-economic models to optimise the sustainable efficiency (economic, society and environment) performance of the Plan; research outcome 3
3 - Use socio-economic models to assess and recommend policies in the WEFE context to improve the welfare of people in the region; research outcome 3
4 - Perform tests in three demonstration sites in the Jordan Valley, one in each country, in order to validate the inputs to the various models; development outcome 4
5 - Propose methodologies to extend the applicability of the results of the Jordan Valley to other regions and to other Mediterranean countries; research outcome 5
6 - Build synergies across sectors to investigate interlinkages across the nexus; development outcome 1
7 – Implement capacity building and training programs in response to project findings development outcome 1
Reduce pressure on ecosystems and biodiversity in 10+ demonstration cases, each with 84+ stakeholders, including vicinity. (KPI 1.1, KPI 2.2) development outcome 0
Frontier agricultural innovations resilient to climate change as they function as semi-closed systems. (KPI 1.6) research outcome 0
Water use efficiency of hydroponics and aquaponics up to 90% and limited land requirement. Effluents are treated and discharge is minimized. (KPI 1.2) research outcome 0
Substrate/humus produced through insect farming and vermiculture/vermicomposting while reducing organic waste streams. (KPI 1.3) development outcome 0
A small- and medium-sized insect farm could upcycle up to 1500+ MT of organic waste per annum. (KPI 1.3) development outcome 0
A minimum of 2.5KVA agriphotovoltaic. (KPI 1.7) development outcome 0
Support innovation actors in taking advantage of DIHs. (KPI 1.8) development outcome 0
FrontAg Nexus will issue 9+ practice abstract on EIP-AGRI and WEcoF websites. (KPI 1.9) development outcome 0
WEFE Nexus indicators monitored for informed decision making at producer and policy levels of frontier agriculture. (KPI 1.5) research outcome 0
Healthier diets, 33% increased availability of fish protein, thus improving FNS. Reduction of seasonal variation in food availability. (KPI 1.4) development outcome 0
More affordable fish protein through reduced feed costs of up to 50% in aquaculture by integrating insect-based fish feed. (KPI 1.4) research outcome 0
Modelled supply and value chains in the context of frontier agriculture improve access to input and output markets. (KPI 2.1) research outcome 0
Increase adoption of frontier agricultural innovations by showcasing their multisoving potential. (KPI 2.2) development outcome 0
Causal evidence of socio-economic impact of frontier agriculture established based on the SLF and parametric analyses. • 2 producer-policy stakeholder engagements (e.g., Delphi study) per annum, per country. (KPI 3.2) research outcome 0
Demonstration cases function as competence centers with access to capacity building, thus raising productivity and resilience. 1+ annual capacity building activity per country with demonstration case(s). Frontier agriculture will be raised to TRL 4-7, were applicable. (KPI 2.4) development outcome 0
Stakeholder and policy maker engagements, twice per annum and country, raise sensitivity towards livelihood needs of target groups. (KPI 3.3) development outcome 0
Surveying respondens in the countries with demonstation cases. Open access, provides a baseline, allows to assess impact of frontier agricultural innovations in demonstration case sites. (KPI 2.3, KPI 3.1) development outcome 0
Participatory approach (e.g., FGDs, Miradi Open Standards tool) for conceptualization of cross-sectoral WEFE Nexus policy roadmaps for frontier agriculture. (KPI 2.3) research outcome 0
Evidence based socio-economic impact analysis using the sustainable livelihood framework (SLF). (KPI 3.1) research outcome 0
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