The CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods and partners contribute to the integration of aquaculture in the design of the government program

Published on: August 23, 2024, Submitted by Megi Cullhaj on: August 16, 2024, Reporting year: 2023

Sustainable Development Goals Contribution

The CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods and partners contribute to the integration of aquaculture in the design of the government program "One Village, One Dam" in Ghana

Building on the experience from the 'Fish cage production in small reservoirs' pilot and from on-going research under the CGIAR Aquatic Foods Initiative, the main implementers of the One Village One Dam program (phase 2) commit to integrate aquaculture in the design of the future reservoirs. To share the progress and lessons learned from the pilot, a stakeholder workshop was held on 7 November 2023 in Walewale, North-East Region of Ghana. The workshop brought together various actors, including the Noth-East Regional Minister, representatives from the Northern Development Authority (NDA), Special Development Initiatives Secretariat – Office of the President, the National Development Planning Commission, District Chief Executives, Assembly persons, community beneficiary groups, NGOs, and universities. The Regional Minister for the North-East region, Hon Yidana Zakaria, expressed his support for the initiative and its implications for the next phase. The Director for Monitoring and Evaluation, Special Development Initiatives Secretariat, also confirmed  the support.


Disaggregates for Sphere of Influence

  • STRAFSGIi 1.2 - Number of women, youth and people from marginalized groups who report input into productive decisions, ownership of assets, access to and decisions on credit, control over use of income, work balance, and visiting important locations

Specific Disaggregates for this Policy Indicator

  • Policy/Investment Type: Budget or Investment

  • Whose policy is fixed? Public Sector

  • Stage of Maturity: Stage 1 - Research taken up by next user (decision maker or intermediary)


This work was undertaken as part of the CGIAR - Resilient Aquatic Food Systems for Healthy People and Planet (Aquatic Food Systems) Initiative led by WorldFish.



About the author

Marie-Charlotte Buisson is at International Water Management Institute - IWMI.