The "Training support for Wheat Rust Diseases" project contributes to increased resilience of smallholder farmers' livelihoods in Central Asia and the Near East to rust disease threats. To this end, surveillance, diagnosis, and prevention activities will be enhanced by national authorities and key stakeholders to reduce the impact of crises, through the implementation of a training workshop, field surveys, and data collection and analysis.

Period of Implementation

Dec 23, 2015 - Nov 30, 2016
Total Budget

USD 79,140.00



The goal of the project are to strengthen the national capacities of target countries in rust surveillance, diagnosis, and management, while also promoting the production of updated information on occurrence of diseases and effectiveness of resistance genes. The project encourages the circulation of such information among national institutions and key stakeholders, which will also feed into the global rust monitoring system though incorporation of survey results.


The objectives of the project are the following: 1) Set up/improve mechanisms to identify and monitor wheat rust threats and to deliver integrated and timely warnings; 2) Improve the capacities of countries, communities, and key stakeholders to implement good mitigation practices to reduce the impacts of threats and crises; 3) Improve the capacities of national authorities and stakeholders for emergency preparedness to reduce the impact of crises.

Problems and Needs Analysis

Wheat is the most important agricultural commodity in Central Asia and Near East. The crop is a major source of staple food and income for millions of smallholder farmers. Thus, any threat limiting the productivity and sustainability of wheat has a direct consequence on the food security and the livelihoods of the rural populations in the region. Rust diseases (yellow, stem, and leaf rusts) are globally among the most challenging constraints of wheat. The concern over the risks of wheat rust epidemics has been growing especially in Near East, Central Asia, and Eastern Africa in recent years. Continuous monitoring, capacity improvement, and international collaboration are therefore required for the prevention of the spread and new epidemics of wheat rusts.

Intervention Strategy(ies)

1) Conduct of a training workshop to train 13 technical officers from 10 countries in Central Asia and Near East, covering topics of surveillance, survey methodology, field operations for evaluation of trap nurseries, integrated management, diagnosis, race analysis, contingency planning, and disease management. 2) Coordinate, support, or conduct field surveys and data collection in the 10 countries and sharing of findings with national institutions. 3) Evaluate field-grown wheat rust trap nurseries, i.e. collect rust samples and conduct analysis for virulence and race identification. 4) Incorporate survey results with the global rust monitoring system operated in connection with the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) together with risks of epidemics to trigger appropriate actions where needed.

Impact Pathway

Working together with national partners in the 10 target countries, ICARDA scientists will coordinate and support wheat-related field surveys and data collection, and conduct analysis on the rust samples for disease occurrence, virulence, and race identification. Through the organization of a training workshop targeting 13 officials from the Central Asia and Near East countries, disease management and surveillance techniques will be enhanced in order to strengthen contingency planning and early warning of the spread of diseases. The project outputs will then contribute to improved capacities of countries, communities, and stakeholders to implement good practices to reduce the impact of the crisis, thus promoting food safety and increased productivity of farmers who rely on wheat as a major source of staple food and income.

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Wheat Rust Surveillance, Resistance and Management meeting agenda

Author(s): Kumarse Nazari

Date: 2016-09-01 | Type: Training Material - Sub-type(s): Course Program / Agenda

Training and Surveillance Support for Wheat Rust Diseases in Central Asia and Near East: In-Country Rust Surveillance

Author(s): Kumarse Nazari | Fazil Dusunceli

Date: 2016-09-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report