The project aims to help the Government of the Republic of Zambia and global stakeholders improving the skills of the workforce by promoting training programs and investments in technical education, vocational, and entrepreneurial skills that promote self-employment, particularly among the women and youth.

For more information please visit full project website

Period of Implementation

Jul 1, 2018 - Mar 31, 2022
Total Budget

USD 0.60



Increase the number of human resources working for the private sector and the number of smallholder commercial fish farmers with enhanced aquaculture knowledge and up-to-date practical skills to help sustainably grow the sector and make it more inclusive.


Develop the aquaculture knowledge and practical skills of students and smallholder commercial fish farmers (especially women and female youth) participating in technical education, vocational, and entrepreneurship training to enable them to find gainful employment in the private sector.

Problems and Needs Analysis

Youth unemployment is high in Zambia and there are noticeable disparities between females and males in the labour force, and especially, a lack of females in formal employment and who have received fisheries skills training. The current technical education, vocational, and entrepreneurship training (TEVET) system in Zambia faces many challenges including developing youth technical, vocational, and entrepreneurial skills that are relevant to the private sector. In addition, there are poor linkages between smallholder fish farmers and the private sector that create challenges organizing smallholders for improved input supply, TEVET, aggregation and sale of their outputs, and for their greater participation in other aquaculture value chain activities. Smallholder production and productivity has noticeably declined over the past years and smallholders are becoming more excluded from the value chain.

Intervention Strategy(ies)

The key project activities used by the project to address the problems identified and achieve the desired objective are summarized below: 1. Training students from NRDC using the upgraded curriculum, tools, and online training platform; 2. Students from NRDC gaining practical skills through internships specifically tailored to address the needs of the private sector; 3. Students from NRDC finding gainful employment with companies operating in the aquaculture value chain or set up their own aquaculture-related businesses. Attracting prospective students to apply to the fisheries/ aquaculture department at NRDC; 4. Scaling the upgraded fisheries/aquaculture package for adoption/modification by other TEVET institutes in Zambia; 5. Private sector linkages with and technical education, vocational, an entrepreneurship training provided to smallholder commercial fish farmers.

Impact Pathway

Activity 1: Training students from NRDC using the upgraded curriculum, tools, and online training platform Outputs 1: Upgraded curriculum (long- and short-term courses), training tools, online training platform, and a training of trainers manual to implement the upgraded package Outcome 1: 135 students trained have enhanced knowledge of aquaculture using the upgraded curriculum, tools, and online training platform Activity 2: Students from NRDC gaining practical skills through internships specifically tailored to address the needs of the private sector Outputs 2: Internship program document, assessment report to inform the design of tailored internships to fit the needs of the private sector and that are gender- and youth-responsive, and an aquaculture field training center located at NRDC Outcome 2: Internships of 135 students carried out successfully with over 30 private companies Activity 3: Students from NRDC finding gainful employment with companies operating in the aquaculture value chain or set up their own aquaculture-related businesses. Attracting prospective students to apply to the fisheries science department at NRDC Outputs 3: Internship review system and forms, assessments of the needs and aspirations of and barriers faced by women and female youth and gender- and youth-responsive marketing tools developed to attract more students, plan to link students to financial institutions who wish to set up their own aquaculture-related businesses Outcome 3: Contracts signed with private companies or new businesses opened along the aquaculture value chain after students complete their studies. An increase in the number of students applying to NRDC. Activity 4: Scaling the upgraded fisheries science package for adoption or modification by other TEVET institutes in Zambia Outputs 4: Plan to scale the upgraded fisheries science package to other TEVET institutions in Zambia Outcome 4: Two (2) additional TEVET institutes in Zambia adopt or modify the curriculum, training tools, online training platform, and internship program for integration within their institutions Activity 5: Private sector linkages with and TEVET provided to smallholder commercial fish farmers Outputs 5: Private sector landscaping and capacity needs assessments and development plans, smallholder fish farmer population census and cluster farmer identification and selection plan, fish farming systems analysis, smallholder training tools Outcome 5: 1000 cluster farmers identified, organized, and trained on TEVET and provided services by the private sector

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End-term Evaluation Study for the Aquaculture Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurship Training (AQ TEVET)

Author(s): Arhin-Sam Kwaku | Keagan Kakwasha | Netsayi Mudege

Date: 2022-04-01 | Type: Dataset - Sub-type(s): Survey Data

Aquaculture Technical, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training for Improved Private Sector and Smallholder Skills (AQ TEVET): Project Brief on Lessons Learned and Best Practices of the AQ TEVET Project

Author(s): Hilda Mantema Munyua | Netsayi Mudege | Lizzy Muzungaire | Keagan Kakwasha | Mary Lundeba

Date: 2022-03-21 | Type: Donor Report

End-term Evaluation Report: AQ TEVET Project, Zambia

Author(s): Arhin-Sam Kwaku

Date: 2022-03-01 | Type: Donor Report

Scaling strategy: Upgrading fisheries science curriculum and training tools for Zambia and the SADC region

Author(s): Netsayi Mudege | Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku | Lizzy Muzungaire

Date: 2021-06-29 | Type: Brief

NORAD_Midterm Evaluation Report of the Aquaculture TEVET project

Author(s): Mulenga Mary Mukanu | Sharper Sikota | Liseteli Ndiyoi

Date: 2020-12-08 | Type: Donor Report

The Aquaculture Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurship Training for Improved Private Sector and Smallholder Skills Project in Zambia Dissemination and 2021 project planning workshop report

Author(s): Netsayi Mudege | Lizzy Muzungaire | Keagan Kakwasha | Victor Siamudaala

Date: 2020-12-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Smallholder fish farmers population census report 2020: Northern and Luapula provinces, Zambia

Author(s): Keagan Kakwasha | Netsayi Mudege | Timothy Sichilima | Michael Sebele | Libakeni Nabiwa | Mary Lundeba

Date: 2020-09-30 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Dataset: Smallholder fish farmers population census report 2020: Northern and Luapula provinces, Zambia

Author(s): Keagan Kakwasha | Netsayi Mudege

Date: 2020-04-30 | Type: Dataset - Sub-type(s): Survey Data

NRDC Aquaculture Diploma Staff Manual for NRDC

Author(s): William Leschen

Date: 2019-07-11 | Type: Manual

Better management practices manual for smallholders farming tilapia in pond-based systems in Zambia Authors

Author(s): Kyra Hoevenaars | Wiza Ng'ambi

Date: 2019-07-08 | Type: Manual

Better management practices manual for smallholders farming tilapia in pond-based systems in Zambia

Author(s): Kyra Hoevenaars | Wiza Ng'ambi

Date: 2019-06-28 | Type: Manual

Private Sector Needs Assessment primary dataset

Author(s): Keagan Kakwasha | Steven Michael Cole

Date: 2019-03-19 | Type: Dataset - Sub-type(s): Survey Data

NRDC Tracer Study Dataset

Author(s): Keagan Kakwasha | Steven Michael Cole

Date: 2018-12-31 | Type: Dataset - Sub-type(s): Survey Data