ICARDA will implement short training courses for the benefits of the technical and administrative staff of the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine wealth.

Period of Implementation

Jun 29, 2018 - Dec 31, 2018
Total Budget

USD 380,057.63



To build a qualified multidisciplinary team of the different fields of agriculture in order to support the agriculture sector in Libya and improve the service; Expected result: Capacity of institutional technical staff in target areas is strengthened.


To transfer knowledge on geoinformatics science, technologies and applications in geographic data management. Develop capacity of Libyan government in managing and mainstreaming CC in developing programs and providing services. The aim of the training course is building capacity of the researchers and technical cadres involved in rangeland management and development.

Problems and Needs Analysis

Libya faces land and water resource constraints with relatively underdeveloped farming systems and practices, and imports 75-80 percent of its food consumption requirements. Ongoing conflicts have led to a lack of finance to import subsidized food, disruptions in supply chains, chronic shortages of food and loss of livelihoods. These contributing factors have significantly deteriorated the food security situation in the country, where more than one-fifth of the children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition and 1.28 million people are food insecure. Fighting desertification and drought, as well as mitigating impact on climate change is a crucial area that The Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine Wealth (MoA) prioritizes for improving food security and securing area for cultivation. Due to their hot and arid/semiĀ­arid climate as well as other uncontrollable environmental factors, farmers are often forced to engage in agricultural practices that place tremendous pressure on already fragile natural resources. The resulting impact includes erosion of arable land, increased water scarcity, desertification, declining vegetation cover and loss of biodiversity. The Libyan MoA has recognized the vital role improved individual and institutional capacities play in rising agricultural productivity and promoting efficient and sustainable agricultural practices. Building these capacities is especially for small-scale producers in order to achieve agricultural sustainability, while also critical to improve food security and livelihoods and economic development.

Intervention Strategy(ies)

To this extent, ICARDA has developed a plan for capacity development training courses in support of the Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Government of Libya and The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Unilateral Trust Fund (UTF) program, 2012- 2017, Strengthening National Capacities in Agriculture Sector in Libya.

Impact Pathway

By providing tailored training to the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine wealth the capacity of the organization and its staff will be increased in order for them to be in the position to plan activities that fight desertification and address climate change. This will improve the situation of the small-holder farmers and thus result eventually in rising agricultural productivity and promoting efficient and sustainable agricultural practices. Enhanced knowledge, better policies, increased yield will have a positive impact on food security in Libya.

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