The project has been designed to combine an adaptive research program, including integrated capacity development, with the active development of a delivery mechanism for CLCA systems to serve as impact accelerators in both targeted regions. The adaptive research component will include a subcomponent, which involves extensive socioeconomic and market data collection to be used for optimizing adapted CLCA packages for different agroecologies and socioeconomic contexts.

Period of Implementation

Apr 13, 2018 - Jun 30, 2022
Total Budget

USD 2,500,000.00

Project team



To sustainably increase production and enhance climate resilience of small farmers’ communities and their crop-livestock production systems in drylands.


Using agroecological principles and participatory action research approaches, the project aimed to develop local, adaptable soil conservation and water use efficiency technologies as well as forage crops and biomass management practices for different CLCA systems in the drylands.

Problems and Needs Analysis

Conservation Agriculture (CA - minimum tillage, soil coverage and crop rotation) is a popular approach promoted to support water harvesting and use efficiency, soil fertility management and the resilience of farming households in dry areas impacted by climate change. Despite many IFAD supported projects are in dry areas, CA has rarely been assessed and further developed in IFAD investment projects within the scope of farming systems, especially crop-livestock systems. In these systems one key challenge for CA is the competing needs for biomass for fodder and mulching for soil improvements. An IFAD supported grant with ICARDA on Integrated Crop-Livestock Conservation Agriculture (CLCA) systems has just been completed in 3 NEN countries, Tunisia, Algeria and Tajikistan. Research implemented in farmers’ fields backed by more detailed experimentation and record keeping at research stations has indicated the long term profitability of CLCA systems compared to conventional systems if proper strategies for incorporation of forage crops and balanced management of biomass are developed and applied adjusted to local specificities of farming and agro-ecological systems. The results of the ICARDA CLCA grant, including CLCA system-level cost benefit analysis of different soil conservation and water use efficiency technologies, incorporation of forage crops and biomass management practices, have raised the interest of farmers, researchers and government in the potentials of CLCA despite initial scepticism among sheep farmers.

Intervention Strategy(ies)

i) expand the participatory research and development of local adapted CLCA systems for drylands to other areas in the NEN and LAC regions (both with important areas of drylands) to foster cross-region learning and exchange and reach a broader spectrum of farming- and agroecological systems; ii) expand the grantee partnership to a broader consortium of research and rural development partners (national, subregional and international) and further innovate in the integration of agro-ecological principles and use of genetic resources to enhance the productivity and resilience of CLCA systems in drylands; and iii) link the participatory research activities and development of context adapted guidelines for CLCA systems directly to on-going IFAD investment projects supporting small crop-livestock farmers in dry-lands.

Impact Pathway

The main target groups directly reached by the project were 3,000 households of small crop-livestock producers in North Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean (NA and LAC) regions whose livelihoods are dependent on crop production and livestock. Of these farmers, 70% adopted CLCA farming systems with increased production and improved cost-benefits compared to conventional systems. Considering that crop-livestock systems form the basis of the livelihoods of two-thirds of the population in developing countries (Herrero et al., 2010), there is a good potential for upscaling the project’s results. Through the support to innovation systems supporting adoption, the involvement of the National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES), and linking to the International Fund For Agricultural Development (IFAD) investment projects, the spill-overs are expected to reach 20,000 households who will indirectly benefit from the project.


From 2020, the project promoted CLCA in the target countries, Algeria and Tunisia, to optimize climate-resilient and integrated crop-livestock systems under conservation agriculture. In the same year, the project upscaled the area of land covered and number of farmers engaged (by 40% in Tunisia). Thanks to the development of public-private partnerships in forage seed production in 2021, a substantial scale up of forage mixtures was achieved in both countries - where they became popular.

The project has resulted in a significant reduction in irrigation water-use and a two-to-three-fold increase in barley and wheat production in Algeria, as well as reduced fungal diseases in durum wheat fields in Tunisia, among other environmental impacts. The encouraging results have mobilized ICARDA and partners to develop guidelines so that CLCA can be adopted and scaled up across similar conditions globally through a ‘Livestock for Profit’ strategy under CLCA systems.

Note: if you need to move a link detach it and re-link it again

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Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use Efficiency, Soil Fertility and Productivity in NEN and LAC Countries – Completion Report

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Zied Idoudi | Aymen Frija | Mohamed Aziz Darghouth | Santiago López Ridaura | Nasreddine Louahdi | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Boubaker Dhehibi | Udo Rudiger | Mina Devkota Wasti | Enrico Bonaiuti | Zahra Djender | Dina Najjar | Barbara Rischkowsky

Date: 2024-07-22 | Type: Donor Report

Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use Efficiency, Soil Fertility and Productivity in NEN And LAC Countries: Completion Report – Appendix

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Aymen Frija | Zied Idoudi | Mohamed Aziz Darghouth | Santiago López Ridaura | Nasreddine Louahdi | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Boubaker Dhehibi | Udo Rudiger | Mina Devkota Wasti | Enrico Bonaiuti | Zohra Djender Ghallem | Dina Najjar | Barbara Rischkowsky

Date: 2023-09-15 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Integrating Gender in the Use of Conservation Agriculture for Crop and Livestock System (CLCA)

Author(s): Zied Idoudi | Dina Najjar | Mourad Rekik | Aymen Frija

Date: 2022-08-27 | Type: Video

Overview of CLCA Main Achievements in NA and LAC Countries

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Aymen Frija | Zied Idoudi

Date: 2022-06-15 | Type: Presentation

Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use Efficiency, Soil Fertility and Productivity in NEN and LAC Countries – Progress Highlights: Year (4) - April 2021 to March 2022

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Aymen Frija | Santiago López Ridaura | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Nasreddine Louahdi | Boubaker Dhehibi | Muhi El-Dine Hilali | Mina Devkota Wasti | Udo Rudiger | Dina Najjar | Zied Idoudi | Barbara Rischkowsky

Date: 2022-04-08 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Historical Review and Future Opportunities for Wider Scaling of Conservation Agriculture in Tunisia

Author(s): Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Haithem Bahri | Mohamed Annabi | Aymen Frija | Zied Idoudi

Date: 2022-01-26 | Type: Book Chapter

Better Crop-Livestock Integration for Enhanced Agricultural System Resilience and Food Security in the Changing Climate: Case Study from Low-Rainfall Areas of North Africa

Author(s): Mina Devkota Wasti | Aymen Frija | Boubaker Dhehibi | Udo Rudiger | Veronique Alary | Veronique Alary | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Nasreddine Louahdi | Zied Idoudi | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2022-01-01 | Type: Book Chapter

زراعة القرفالة / Vetch (Vicia spp.) Cultivation in Tunisia

Author(s): Salah Ben Youssef

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Brief

Optimisation du pâturage des ovins sur chaumes en agriculture de conservation

Author(s): Nizar Moujahed | Hajer Guesmi | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Cyrine Darej

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Brief

Up-scaling of annual forage mixtures and enhanced varieties of oat, barley and vetch under Conservation Agriculture and Conventional systems

Author(s): Salah Ben Youssef | Sourour Abidi | Anis Zaiem | Monia Elayed | Abdelsattar Bouslimi | Rochdi Rouissi

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Assessment of the Nutritional Value of Forage mixtures and Sheep Response

Author(s): Sourour Abidi | Salah Ben Youssef | Tayssir Zidi

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Target Oriented Scaling Pathways for CLCA Initiatives for Bolivia and Mexico

Author(s): Maria Boa Alvarado | Lennart Woltering | Santiago Lopez-Ridaura

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Assessment of Identified CLCA Alternatives in Oaxaca, Mexico

Author(s): Jaime Leal | Ravi Gopal Singh

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Improved Feeding Options Described and Preliminary Assessment for Mexico and Bolivia Cases

Author(s): Santiago López Ridaura | Cresencio Calle Cruz | Crsitian Reyna

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Farm level modelling results with multiple indicators and trade-offs analysis in Mexico and Bolivia

Author(s): Santiago López Ridaura | Luis Barba | Cristian Reyna

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Soil and land use data-set and initial assessment of landscape features for reduced erosion and improve WUE in Mexico and Bolivia

Author(s): Santiago López Ridaura | Luis Barba | Sergio Naranjo

Date: 2021-12-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

تثمين مخلفات الإنتاج الزراعي والصناعي في عليقة المجترات / Valorization of by-products in small ruminant feeding

Author(s): Yamina Si Ziani Chellig | Aissa Zoghmar | Soumeya Zerroughi | Nasreddine Louahdi

Date: 2021-12-01 | Type: Brochure

Tunisian Consumer Quality Perception and Preferences for Dairy Products: Do Health and Sustainability Matter?

Author(s): Meriem Oueslati-Zlaoui | Mohamed Zied Dhraief | Boubaker Dhehibi | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2021-09-30 | Type: Journal Article

Mid-Term Evaluation of the IFAD Crop Livestock Conservation Agriculture (CLCA) Project

Author(s): Ross McLeod | Ahlem Massaoud | Javier Aguilera

Date: 2021-09-14 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use Efficiency, Soil Fertility and Productivity in NEN and LAC Countries – Progress Highlights: Year (3) - April 2020 to March 2021

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Aymen Frija | Zied Idoudi | Santiago López Ridaura | Nasreddine Louahdi | Boubaker Dhehibi | Dina Najjar | Udo Rudiger | Enrico Bonaiuti | Laura Becker | Zohra Djender Ghallem | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Mina Devkota Wasti | Barbara Rischkowsky

Date: 2021-03-11 | Type: Brief

A SWOT Analysis on Profitable and Sustainable Integrated Crops-Livestock Farming Systems under Conservation Agriculture in North Africa

Author(s): Boubaker Dhehibi | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Aymen Frija | Zohra Djender Ghallem | Mourad Rekik | Zied Idoudi

Date: 2021-01-04 | Type: Tool

Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use Efficiency, Soil Fertility and Productivity in NEN and LAC Countries – Project Progress Report: Year (II) – April 2019 to March 2020

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Zied Idoudi | Santiago López Ridaura | Zohra Djender Ghallem | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Aymen Frija | Enrico Bonaiuti | Laura Becker | Boubaker Dhehibi | Mina Devkota Wasti | Udo Rudiger | Dina Najjar | Barbara Rischkowsky

Date: 2021-01-03 | Type: Donor Report

Innovations and Databases

Author(s): Victoria Clarke

Date: 2020-12-17 | Type: Presentation

Locally Adapted Machinery Solutions For Sustainable Intensification Of Crop-livestock Systems In Tunisia

Author(s): Udo Rudiger | Zied Idoudi | Aymen Frija | Mourad Rekik | Monia Elayed | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Anis Zaim

Date: 2020-12-08 | Type: Conference Paper

CLCA Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan

Author(s): Laura Becker | Anna Aspenson | Enrico Bonaiuti | Zied Idoudi | Santiago López Ridaura | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2020-12-01 | Type: Manual

CLCA Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan Brief

Author(s): Laura Becker

Date: 2020-12-01 | Type: Brief

Farmers Behaviour Survey Questionnaire Instrument: Behaviour of Tunisian Smallholder Farmers Towards Adoption of Conservation Agriculture Under Crop Livestock Integrated Systems (CLCA)

Author(s): Boubaker Dhehibi | Ayoub Fouzai | Mohamed Arbi Abdeladhim | Aymen Frija | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Zied Idoudi | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2020-11-29 | Type: Tool

Perceived Effectiveness of Agricultural Transfer Methods for CLCA improved Technologies: Evidence from extension and technical agents in Algeria

Author(s): Boubaker Dhehibi | Zohra Djender Ghallem | Aymen Frija | Zied Idoudi | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2020-11-29 | Type: Tool

Perceived Effectiveness of Agricultural Transfer Methods for CLCA improved Technologies: Evidence from extension and technical agents in Tunisia

Author(s): Boubaker Dhehibi | Ayoub Fouzai | Mohamed Arbi Abdeladhim | Aymen Frija | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Zied Idoudi | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2020-11-29 | Type: Tool

Farm Mechanization and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification in Dry Areas: Business Model Development for “Boudour” Zero-Till Seeder in Algeria

Author(s): Zahra Djender | Nasreddine Louahdi | Zied Idoudi | Boubaker Dhehibi | Aymen Frija | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2020-11-10 | Type: Brief

Foraging behaviour, digestion and growth performance of sheep grazing on dried vetch pasture cropped under conservation agriculture

Author(s): Sourour Abidi | Salah Ben Youssef | Hichem Ben Salem

Date: 2020-10-03 | Type: Journal Article

MSc Thesis Presentation on Exploring Crop Livestock Integration in Tunisian Sheep Cereal Systems

Author(s): Iris De Jonge | Jeroen Groot | Felix Bianchi | Aymen Frija | Santiago López Ridaura

Date: 2020-09-24 | Type: Presentation

Effect of Tillage, Previous Crop, and N Fertilization on Agronomic and Economic Performances of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) under Rainfed Semi-Arid Environment

Author(s): Amir Souissi | Haithem Bahri | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Mohamed Chakroun | Salah Ben Youssef | Aymen Frija | Mohamed Annabi

Date: 2020-08-07 | Type: Journal Article

Wheat Stubble from Conventional or Conservation Agriculture Grazed by Ewes: Biomass Dynamics and Animal Performances

Author(s): Hajer Guesmi | Cyrine Darej | Salah Ben Youssef | Mohamed Chakroun | Sourour Abidi | Hichem Ben Salem | Nizar Moujahed

Date: 2020-06-30 | Type: Journal Article

Gestion de désherbage chimique à base du glyphosate en semis direct et son devenir dans le sol

Author(s): Rima Labad | Tarik Hartani | Tarik Hartani | Haroun Belguet | Hocine Bendada | Nasreddine Louahdi | Mourad Taibi

Date: 2020-05-02 | Type: Conference Paper

Effet de la rotation culturale et le travail du sol sur la dynamique de la flore adventices en zone semi-aride

Author(s): Asia Chouter | Nasreddine Louahdi | Ramdane Benniou

Date: 2020-05-02 | Type: Poster

Public-Private Partnership for enhanced conservation agriculture practices: the case of Boudour Zero-Till seeder in Algeria

Author(s): Zied Idoudi | Nasreddine Louahdi | Mina Devkota Wasti | Zahra Djender | Aymen Frija | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2020-04-26 | Type: Brief

Monitoring and Evaluation: Data collection, cleaning and analysis - CLCA LAC Countries

Author(s): Andrea Gardeazabal Monsalue

Date: 2020-04-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Process of development of network of on-field, multiscale innovation and validation sites

Author(s): Andrea Gardeazabal Monsalue

Date: 2020-04-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Knowledge Management Plan for CLCA Project in LAC Countries - Year II

Author(s): Andrea Gardeazabal Monsalue

Date: 2020-04-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Summary Report of CLCA Activities and Outputs in LAC Countries - Year 2

Author(s): Santiago López Ridaura

Date: 2020-04-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Identification of main CLCA activities carried out by different gender and age groups in Oaxaca and Bolivia

Author(s): Carolina Camach | Alejandro Ramírez

Date: 2020-03-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Main technical alternatives for CLCA systems, data available and research gaps in Oaxaca, Mexico

Author(s): Jaime Leal | Ravi Gopal Singh

Date: 2020-03-30 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Farm level modelling and protocols for the assessment of indicators - CLCA Systems (Mexico and Bolivia)

Author(s): louis barba | Cristian Reyna | Santiago López Ridaura

Date: 2020-03-30 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

CLCA-II Project: Where are we now ?

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Zied Idoudi

Date: 2020-03-06 | Type: Presentation

CLCA Year II Reporting: Guidelines

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Enrico Bonaiuti | Zied Idoudi

Date: 2020-03-06 | Type: Presentation

Some advances for CLCA systems in Bolivia and Mexico

Author(s): Santiago López Ridaura

Date: 2020-03-05 | Type: Presentation

CLCA Achievements year-II in Algeria

Author(s): Zahra Djender | Nasreddine Louahdi | Yamina Si Ziani Chellig

Date: 2020-03-05 | Type: Presentation

Activities progress and main achievements of CLCA project in Tunisia - Year-2

Author(s): Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Nizar Moujahed | Salah Ben Youssef | Sourour Abidi | Mohamed Annabi

Date: 2020-03-05 | Type: Presentation

FarmDESIGN & CLCA Systems

Author(s): Iris De Jonge | Jeroen Groot | Aymen Frija

Date: 2020-03-05 | Type: Presentation

Tunisia CLCA Project: Socio economic activities

Author(s): Ayoub Fouzai | Mohamed Arbi Abdeladhim | Boubaker Dhehibi

Date: 2020-03-05 | Type: Presentation

Innovation systems diagnostic document for Oaxaca, Mexico

Author(s): Maria Boa Alvarado | Lennart Woltering | Santiago López Ridaura

Date: 2020-03-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Innovation systems proposition with actors and their role for new CLCA site, Oaxaca, Mexico

Author(s): Maria Boa Alvarado | Lennart Woltering | Santiago López Ridaura

Date: 2020-03-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Preliminary assessment of the impact of CLCA alternatives in women’s involvement and empowerment in Bolivia and Mexico

Author(s): Carolina Camach | Alejandro Ramírez | Adair Zepeda

Date: 2020-03-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Small-scale feed grinder to improve the quality of roughage feed in Chouarnia CLCA Site, Seliana North West Tunisia

Author(s): Zied Idoudi | Udo Rudiger

Date: 2020-03-01 | Type: Image - Sub-type(s): Photo

Key stakeholders identified as well as main challenges and opportunities for CLCA systems for Oaxaca, Mexico

Author(s): Maria Boa Alvarado | Lennart Woltering

Date: 2020-02-28 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

الوقاية من أمراض الأغنام في تونس

Author(s): Mohamed Salah Ben Said

Date: 2020-02-24 | Type: Brochure

FiDay on Best Agricultural Practices under CLCA Systems – Bouslim/Zaghouan - North East Tunisia, 21 February 2020

Author(s): Hatem Cheikh M'hamed

Date: 2020-02-21 | Type: Image - Sub-type(s): Photo

Road Map for Large-Scale Adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Bolivia

Author(s): Lennart Woltering | Maria Boa Alvarado

Date: 2020-02-19 | Type: Other (Strategic Scaling Road Map)

Assessment of the Animal health situation in Tunisia

Author(s): Mohamed Gharbi | Zied Idoudi | Asma Amina Foughali

Date: 2020-02-19 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

ضبط آلة رش المبيدات في الحبوب

Author(s): Nasreddine Louahdi | Haroun Belguet | Hocine Bendada

Date: 2020-02-08 | Type: Brochure

Algeria CLCA Data Collection Tool

Author(s): Innocent Bikara | Zied Idoudi | Mourad Rekik | Mina Devkota Wasti | Aymen Frija | Zahra Djender

Date: 2020-01-13 | Type: Tool

Tunisia CLCA Data Collection Tool

Author(s): Innocent Bikara | Zied Idoudi | Mourad Rekik | Mina Devkota Wasti | Aymen Frija | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed

Date: 2020-01-13 | Type: Tool

Scaling Strategy Algeria

Author(s): Zohra Djender Ghallem | Udo Rudiger

Date: 2019-12-19 | Type: Other (Strategic plan)

Explanation of the different steps in farmers’ association formation

Author(s): Zied Idoudi

Date: 2019-11-28 | Type: Image - Sub-type(s): Photo

CLCA Field Day Report _ Beja Site, North West of Tunisia

Author(s): Zied Idoudi

Date: 2019-11-28 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use Efficiency, Soil Fertility and Productivity in NEN and LAC Countries – Project Progress Report: Year I - April 2018 to March 2019

Author(s): Mourad Rekik | Santiago López Ridaura | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Zahra Djender | Boubaker Dhehibi | Aymen Frija | Mina Devkota Wasti | Udo Rudiger | Enrico Bonaiuti | Dina Najjar | Zied Idoudi

Date: 2019-11-26 | Type: Donor Report

Survey tool for assessing the effectiveness of agricultural extension service delivery: Application to CLCA technologies transfer methods

Author(s): Boubaker Dhehibi | Aymen Frija | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Zohra Djender Ghallem | Mourad Rekik | Zied Idoudi

Date: 2019-11-25 | Type: Tool

Empowering Women in Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems under Conservation Agriculture

Author(s): Zied Idoudi

Date: 2019-11-21 | Type: Image - Sub-type(s): Photo

Assessing the long-term impact of conservation agriculture on wheat-based systems in Tunisia using APSIM simulations under a climate change context

Author(s): Haithem Bahri | Mohamed Annabi | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Aymen Frija

Date: 2019-11-01 | Type: Journal Article

Assessment of identified alternatives in Bolivian Highlands, fine tuning and identification of complementary options for CLCA

Author(s): Cresencio Calle Cruz | Ravi Gopal Singh

Date: 2019-10-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Mobile seed cleaning and treatment unit designed and developed with support from ICARDA

Author(s): Zied Idoudi | Udo Rudiger

Date: 2019-10-09 | Type: Image - Sub-type(s): Photo

Vetch Summer Grazing (VSG) Under Conservative Agriculture (CA): Promising Alternative to Cereal Residue Grazing for Better Barbarian Lambs Response

Author(s): Sourour Abidi | Salah Ben Youssef | Hichem Ben Salem | saida nasri Nasri abidli | Aymen Frija

Date: 2019-10-05 | Type: Conference Paper

Overview of the IFAD Funded CLCA Project

Author(s): Mourad Rekik

Date: 2019-09-09 | Type: Presentation

Activities progress and main achievements of CLCA project in Algeria

Author(s): Zahra Djender | Nasreddine Louahdi | Yamina Si Ziani Chellig | Djamila Siad

Date: 2019-09-06 | Type: Presentation

Integration crop-livestock under conservation agriculture system

Author(s): Hajer Guesmi | Hichem Ben Salem | Nizar Moujahed

Date: 2019-09-01 | Type: Journal Article

Key informant tool for the enhancement of crop–livestock systems under conservation agriculture (CLCA): Towards a sustainable CLCA production system

Author(s): Boubaker Dhehibi | Aymen Frija | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed | Zohra Djender Ghallem | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2019-08-25 | Type: Tool

Crop’s trade-offs residues use in Crop-Livestock systems under Conservation Agriculture (CA)

Author(s): Zied Idoudi

Date: 2019-07-22 | Type: Image - Sub-type(s): Photo

Residual stubble mulch after wheat harvesting in Chouarnia Site, Seliana North Tunisia_1

Author(s): Zied Idoudi

Date: 2019-07-22 | Type: Image - Sub-type(s): Photo

Communication strategy focused on the conservation agriculture usage on CLCA quinoa-llama systems

Author(s): Maria Boa Alvarado

Date: 2019-07-03 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Soil Cover under CA system: essential interface of a CLCA system

Author(s): Hatem Cheikh M'hamed

Date: 2019-07-01 | Type: Presentation

Intégration de l’elevage en Agriculture de Conservation

Author(s): Nizar Moujahed | Hajer Guesmi

Date: 2019-07-01 | Type: Presentation

Perception and use of crop residues in CA practicing farms in CLCA II targeted project areas: results of a field study and survey

Author(s): Nizar Moujahed | Hajer Guesmi | Cyrine Darej

Date: 2019-07-01 | Type: Presentation

Intégration des fourrages dans l'alimentation des ruminants sous AC: La vesce, une histoire de réussite

Author(s): Sourour Abidi | Salah Ben Youssef | Hichem Ben Salem

Date: 2019-07-01 | Type: Presentation

Système d’alimentation du cheptel ovin dans les régions du Projet CLCA en Algérie

Author(s): Abderrezak Houari | Yamina Si Ziani Chellig

Date: 2019-07-01 | Type: Presentation

Alternatives en alimentation des ovins dans les zones semi arides du Projet CLCA en Algerie

Author(s): Yamina Si Ziani Chellig | Abderrezak Houari

Date: 2019-07-01 | Type: Presentation

What do we expect from the livestock component under CLCA?

Author(s): Mourad Rekik

Date: 2019-06-24 | Type: Presentation

Analyse de l’adoption et la diffusion de l’agriculture de conservation sous systèmes de production mixtes Céréales-Elevage dans les zones semi-arides en Tunisie

Author(s): Samar Bejaoui | Ayoub Fouzai | Mohamed Arbi Abdeladhim

Date: 2019-06-24 | Type: Other (ESP accomplishment report)

“Feed and Forages” in Tunisia (Short version)

Author(s): Udo Rudiger

Date: 2019-06-01 | Type: Video

“Feed and Forages” in Tunisia (Long version)

Author(s): Udo Rudiger

Date: 2019-06-01 | Type: Video

Aperçu sur le Projet CLCA en Algerie

Author(s): Zahra Djender | Nawel Boukhobza

Date: 2019-06-01 | Type: Poster

Adoption of Conservation Agriculture Technologies by Smallholder Farmers in the semiarid region of Tunisia: Resource constraints and partial adoption

Author(s): Ayoub Fouzai | Maroua Smaoui | Aymen Frija | Boubaker Dhehibi

Date: 2019-05-05 | Type: Journal Article

Study on the quinoa-llama production chain in the central-south antiplano

Author(s): Maria Boa Alvarado

Date: 2019-05-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Scaling Road Map -Tunisia

Author(s): Hatem Cheikh M'hamed

Date: 2019-04-26 | Type: Presentation

TOR for machinery session CLCA workshop

Author(s): Udo Rudiger

Date: 2019-04-26 | Type: Other - Sub-type(s): Other (Terms of Reference)

Assessment of the adoption of CLCA practices on soil erosion, SOM and WUE in Tunisia: Progress activities and main achievement_First year

Author(s): Mohamed Annabi | Taoufik Hermassi | Taoufik Hermassi | Haithem Bahri | Hatem Cheikh M'hamed

Date: 2019-04-25 | Type: Presentation

Knowledge Management and M&E

Author(s): Enrico Bonaiuti

Date: 2019-04-25 | Type: Presentation

Scaling road map Algeria

Author(s): Zahra Djender

Date: 2019-04-25 | Type: Presentation

Advances CLCA Bolivia

Author(s): Santiago López Ridaura

Date: 2019-04-23 | Type: Presentation

Scaling up for Sustainable Crop-Livestock Systems

Author(s): Mourad Rekik

Date: 2019-04-01 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Training material

Socioeconomic assessment of no-till in wheat cropping system: a case study in Algeria

Author(s): Amar Rouabhi | Abdelmalek Laouar | Abdelhamid Mekhlouf | Boubaker Dhehibi

Date: 2019-03-01 | Type: Journal Article

Recueil des Obtentions Fourragères et Pastorales de l'INRAT

Author(s): Salah Ben Youssef | Salma Sai Kachout | Mondher Ben Salem

Date: 2019-03-01 | Type: Book

Effect of supplementation by cactus (Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis) cladodes on reproductive response and some blood metabolites of female goat on pre-mating phase

Author(s): Imene Ben Salem Allain | S. Khnissi | Mourad Rekik | A. Ben Younesa | Narjess Lassoued

Date: 2019-03-01 | Type: Journal Article

Livelihoods Strategies and Household Resilience to Food Insecurity: A Case Study from Rural Tunisia

Author(s): Mohamed Zied Dhraief | Boubaker Dhehibi | Hamed Daly | Meriem Oueslati-Zlaoui | Chaima Khatoui | Sondes Jemni | Jebali Oussama | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2019-02-11 | Type: Journal Article

Scaling Indicators (CLCAII)

Author(s): Enrico Bonaiuti

Date: 2018-12-18 | Type: Presentation

Effets de la rotation culturale combinée au semis direct sur la dynamique de la flore adventice en zone semi-aride-cas de la region de Sétif

Author(s): Asia Chouter | Nasreddine Louahdi | Hocine Bendada | Hocine Bendada | Ramdane Benniou

Date: 2018-12-08 | Type: Poster

Optimum Herbicide Dose Management in Direct Seeding for Cereals Production: Case of Semi-arid Area of Algeria

Author(s): Rima Labad | Tarik Hartani | Gopal Uttamrao Shinde

Date: 2018-07-31 | Type: Journal Article

Evaluation de la biologie du sol sous l’effet du traitement chimique en semis direct dans une zone semi-aride de l’Algérie

Author(s): Rima Labad | Tarik Hartani | Tarik Hartani | Haroun Belguet | Hocine Bendada | Nasreddine Louahdi | Mourad Taibi

Date: 2018-07-13 | Type: Journal Article

Pushing toward the integration of crop-livestock and conservation agriculture

Author(s): International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) | Mourad Rekik

Date: 2018-06-24 | Type: Blog

CLCA II: Monitoring and Evaluation from Logical Framework to Implementation

Author(s): Enrico Bonaiuti

Date: 2018-05-08 | Type: Presentation

