With the overall goal of transforming national and regional land use, the ELD project in Central Asia will provide sound knowledge and information about the economics of land degradation and suststainable land management practices for public and private decision-makers. It aims to value current land use strategies and economically feasable alternatives to promote sustainable land management, using the financial support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany.

Period of Implementation

Nov 1, 2014 - Oct 31, 2016
Total Budget

USD 484.67



The overall goal of the ELD project in Central Asia is to improve current regional and national land management and related economic activities to achieve sustainable economic development within Central Asia. Focusing on both regional and national levels, the project will result in applicable recommendations on better land use for improved economic, social and environmental benefits and can be directly used by private and public decision-makers, inclusive of policy-makers.


The ELD project in Central Asia aims to simultaneously reduce land degradation, improve local livelihoods and enhance the economy. It will assess land management through cost-benefit analysis, considering both current and alternative land management options. Focusing specifically on the economic impact and viability of land management options, it enables decision-makers to select the most appropriate option from an economic perspective, while ensuring a good fit with national development models.

Problems and Needs Analysis

Land degradation Limitation on economic development (National/Regional) Economics, Land degradation, sustainable land management, ecosystems services, ecosystem management, natural resources management, rural productivity, conservation agriculture.

Intervention Strategy(ies)

The following activities are an integral part of the outputs and related research: I. Identifying national and regional stakeholders Outcome: Stakeholder map available and project proposal presentation at the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development of Central Asia, November 2014. II. Setting up the regional and national project structure Outcome: TORs and final proposals available, December 2014 Ill. Understanding and screening national development priorities related to land resources Outcome: Informal feedback, January 2015 IV. Identifying and documenting current land use and feasible alternatives related to assessed development goals. These will build on the existing information for the region that ICARDA has developed down to scale of 500m. Outcome: Informal outputs will feed into the development of reports by the ELD Initiative , April 2015 V. Cost-benefit analysis and development of tailored recommendations at national/eve/ Outcome: National country reports, July 2015 VI. Finalization of the supra-national case study Outcome: Final report, October 2015

Impact Pathway

Working together with the NARS and the UNCCD, detailed case studies in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will shed a light on the national development priorities of the countries concerning land resources. Besides, the current land use and feasible alternative land use systems are identified and documented. These SLM practices will be evaluated based on their economic impact and viability via cost-benefit analyses, in order to provide appropriatie SLM options for private and public decison makers, including policy makers. An umbrella study – supported by CAREC and the ELD Initiative - will summarize the national recommendations and draw conclusions for viable SLM on the regional level in Central Asia. The project outputs can directly be used by decision makers to improve land management in order to reduce land degradation, improve local livelihoods and enhance the economy. This will result in an increased awareness, skills and knowledge concerning sustainable viable land management by female and male farmers (including youth) and has the potential to improve the current land use and related economic activities, achieving sustainable economic development within Central Asia.

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ELD: The economics of land policy, planning and practice

Author(s): Martin Dallimer | Ian Johnson | Ida Kubizewski | Hannes Etter | Richard James Thomas | Nicola Favretto

Date: 2016-11-30 | Type: Report

International Conference Economics of Land Degradation in Central Asia closing Workshop: list of participants

Author(s): Richard James Thomas

Date: 2016-11-29 | Type: Training Material - Sub-type(s): List of Participants

200020 GIZ Economics of Land Degradation - Final Workshop Report held Nov. 28-29, 2016

Author(s): Richard James Thomas

Date: 2016-11-28 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Closing workshop agenda

Author(s): Richard James Thomas

Date: 2016-11-27 | Type: Training Material - Sub-type(s): Course Program / Agenda

Tajikistan Case Study Policy Brief

Author(s): Richard James Thomas | Murod Ergashev | Shermatov Khisravshokh | Shukurov Rakhmon

Date: 2016-11-20 | Type: Brief

Broadening land management options for improved economic sustainability across Central Asia: A synthesis of national studies

Author(s): Emmanuelle Quillerou | Richard James Thomas | Oleg Guchgeldiyeg | Stefanie Ettling | Hannes Etter | Naomi Stewart

Date: 2016-11-20 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Donor Report

Uzbekistan Case Study Policy Brief

Author(s): Richard James Thomas | Rustamova Iroda | Umidjan Nazarkulov

Date: 2016-11-20 | Type: Brief

Kyrgyzstan Case Study Policy Brief

Author(s): Richard James Thomas | Almaz Abdiev | Rakhat Sabyrbekov

Date: 2016-11-20 | Type: Brief

Turkmenistan Case Study Policy Brief

Author(s): Richard James Thomas | Nepesov Murad

Date: 2016-11-20 | Type: Brief

Kazakhstan Case Study Policy Brief

Author(s): Richard James Thomas | Mr. Zhailin | Zhaikau Toktassynov | Baizakov Sabit

Date: 2016-11-20 | Type: Brief

Putting Economic and Environmental Sustainability Hand in Hand to Protect Our Lands

Author(s): Mark Schauer | Richard James Thomas

Date: 2016-09-15 | Type: Journal Article

The business case of sustainable land management

Author(s): Claude Gascon | Hannes Etter | Violaine Berger | Robert Costanza | Richard James Thomas

Date: 2016-09-05 | Type: Presentation

Ecosystem service assessment of the Ili Delta, Kazakhstan

Author(s): Niels Thevs | Volker Beckmann | Sabir Nurtazin | Ruslan Salmuzauli | Azim Baibaysov | Altyn Akimaliev | Elisabeth A. A. Baranoeski | Thea L. Schäpe | Helena Rottgers | Nikita Tychkov

Date: 2016-08-16 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Designing a new science-policy communication mechanism for the UN Convention to Combat Desertification

Author(s): F. Amiraslani | C. F. Diaz Morejon | Richard Escadafal | E. Fulajtar | A. Grainger | K. Kellner | S. I. Khan | O. Perez Pardo | U. Sauchanka | Lindsay Stringer | Fasil Reda | Richard James Thomas | Mariam Akhtar-Schuster

Date: 2016-06-03 | Type: Journal Article

Chapter 21: Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement in Uzbekistan

Author(s): Vitalii Korol | Nariman Nishanov | Utkur Djanibekov | Olena Dubovyk | Alisher Mirzabaev | Aden A. Aw-Hassan

Date: 2016-04-23 | Type: Book Chapter

Economic of Land Degradation on Central Asia_Newsletter #1, 28 Apr 2015

Author(s): Rakhat Sabyrbekov | Shukurov Rakhmon | Nepesov Murad | Umidzhan Nazarkhulov | Baizakov Sabit | Oleg Guchgeldiyeg

Date: 2015-12-21 | Type: Newsletter

Economic of Land Degradation in Centra Asia_Newsletter, #2, 7 August 2015

Author(s): Rakhat Sabyrbekov | Shukurov Rakhmon | Nepesov Murad | Umidzhan Nazarkhulov | Baizakov Sabit | Oleg Guchgeldiyeg

Date: 2015-08-07 | Type: Newsletter

Экономика деградации земель в Центральной Азии, Информационный бюллетень, No. 1, 28 апреля 2015

Author(s): Rakhat Sabyrbekov | Shukurov Rakhmon | Nepesov Murad | Umidzhan Nazarkhulov | Baizakov Sabit

Date: 2015-04-28 | Type: Newsletter

200020 GIZ Economics of Land Degradation Central Asia-Appendix I Antalyia inception workshop Feb 2015

Author(s): Richard James Thomas

Date: 2015-02-23 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Course Program / Agenda

Agenda_Inception and Training Workshop 23 - 25 February 2015 Antalya, Turkey

Author(s): Emmanuelle Quillerou

Date: 2015-01-27 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report