The project aims at investigating the efficiency of a smart purification system to improve water quality, fish production and environmental sustainability in aquaculture systems, through the remediation of nitrogen containing compounds in water and the biocidal action of a TiO2-based photocatalytic treatment. In detail, the project aspires to develop an innovative photocatalytic reactor, by modifying the traditional filters used in aquaculture, to obtain a new low cost generation filter for fresh and sea water purification. This innovation, consisting in the application of plates covered with a TiO2 photocatalytic film in front of the UV lamps already installed for sanitization in the tanks for aquaculture, will largely increase the effects of lamp irradiation.

Period of Implementation

Dec 1, 2020 - Nov 30, 2024
Total Budget

EUR 707,572.60



 lowering the nitrogen containing compounds produced by fish farms  further reducing bacteria and viruses, thus improving fish health and vitality  lowering the mortality rate and thus the carcasses disposal costs and the CO2 environmental impact  mitigating the emission of ammonia and greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere from the water surface


Proposal shall contribute to the making of a technological friendly- environment innovation for small scale fish farmers or small holders.

Problems and Needs Analysis

The project aims at developing a smart technology in small scale fish farming. Most of the world’s fisheries are considered to be ‘small-scale’, although there is no clear definition of what constitutes small-scale aquaculture farms. Allison and Ellis (2001, Marine Policy 25: 377-388) broadly define small-scale fisheries as those which operate, fundamentally, in coastal and inland waters, with an average of 1-4 people employed, strongly linked to local communities. Generally, smallscale fisheries rely on local resources and have lower overheads in terms of capital, but higher labor intensity compared to large-scale “industrialized” fisheries. Moreover, according to World Bank projections, the demand for aquatic products is expected to rise to 261 million tonnes by 2030, with 62% of the overall quantity coming from aquaculture production, which is expected to triplicate. However, the effects of this economic sector on the environment can be significant. The main problems concerning small farms aquaculture is the water pollution and waste generated by cages placed underwater in open ponds or sea. As a result, in most fish farming systems, metabolic byproducts, food residues, faecal matter and residues of prophylactic and therapeutic compounds are discharged into the sea, without any treatment. This evidently affects the water and sediment quality, and facilitates the emergence of diseases among the reared species with possible health risk for the aquatic biodiversity and for humans.

Intervention Strategy(ies)

New systems able to mitigate and reduce the environmental impacts of the aquaculture sector are urgently needed, keeping in mind both market needs and EU legislation. This project will contribute to the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), both aiming at protecting the aquatic biodiversity and environment and both demanding that all EU Member States ensure the attainment of ‘Good Environmental Status’ of their waters. The introduction of the photocatalytic treatment system is expected to promote better environmental and farming conditions, mainly due to integrated strategies to reduce environmental impact of aquaculture and water reuse optimization.

Impact Pathway

Additional economic benefits thanks to the reduction of fish mortality and the lower related discharging costs, in economic and lower CO2 production terms.

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