The economic use of natural resources, such as water and land, in the Mediterranean region are constrained by resources limitations, climatic conditions and socio-economic stresses. The project LEarning and action alliances for NexuS EnvironmentS in an uncertain future (LENSES) aims to improve the understanding of WEF systems, to reveal their complexity and to create innovative tools and strategies that help to manage their uncertainty, in relation to their dynamic evolution.

For more information please visit full project website

Period of Implementation

May 1, 2021 - Apr 30, 2024
Total Budget

EUR 2,998,000.00



The general objective of LENSES is to contribute to improved water allocation, enhanced food security while preserving ecosystems and aiding climate change adaptation, by supporting the operationalization of the Nexus paradigm (from Nexus Thinking to Nexus Doing) through a collective learning process, which integrates the concepts of sustainable Nexus management (progressing Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) with a resilience-oriented approach, leading decision-makers in accepting uncertainty as integral part of management and decision-making. LENSES aims at enhancing system understanding, gathering and structuring knowledge to unravel complexity and manage uncertainty in WEF systems, with their dynamic evolution.


LENSES aims to the following specific objectives: SO.1 Identify Nexus Domain Objectives (DO) & Nexus Resilience Qualities (NRC) that facilitate the transition; SO.2 Activate Learning & Action Alliances (LAAs) to drive the Nexus dialogue; SO.3 Develop Participatory System Dynamics Models (PSDM) to support evidence-based policy design SO.4 Co-design scenarios to test WEF Nexus resilience; SO.5 Carry out Ecosystem Services (ESS) assessments to inform multi-objective policies and measures; SO.6 Assess and manage interdependences between Nexus and SDGs; SO.7 Improve Natural Governance and align WEF policies toward Nexus management; SO.8 Build Nexus business cases using environmental and ecological economics; and SO.9 Plan Nature-based Solutions (NBS) measures to co-achieve multiple DOs.

Impact Pathway

To maximise visibility and networking of LENSES across all audiences, via different media; to create and curate high- end content on the WEF Nexus and how it relates to multi-level and multi-scale stakeholders; to support policy development by raising awareness among relevant stakeholders and decision makers on the cross-sectoral benefits of the LENSES proposed approaches; to develop viable business plans for LENSES products. Expected outcome: A growing mind shift among decision makers and key stakeholders on the Nexus Thinking by sharing the tangible proof of how LENSES can be applied in diverse cases. Increased replication and exploitation potential by openly sharing its methodology and guide for exploitation, based on elaborated business cases.

