This is a detailed proposal of the above titled Technical Partnership submitted by WorldFish to SAPLING project, HKI for funding to contribute to the achievement of the SAPLING goal through improving food, nutrition and livelihoods security of the poor aquatic resource users in selected areas of Bandarban district

Period of Implementation

Jun 1, 2017 - Feb 28, 2019
Total Budget

USD 208,000.00



1. Develop/fine-tune appropriate technologies 2. Prepare fisheries resources, fish supply chain situation 3. develop dissemination strategy, training and extension materials, 4. Work closely with partners to increase fish production 5.Work closely with other public Department of Fisheries (DoF 6. To increase fish consumption through direct consumption of fresh fish and fish based products 7. Reduced gender disparities 8. Strengthened resilience and adaptive capacity of the poor


The broader aim of the technical partnership proposal is to increase food and nutrition security for poor and vulnerable SAPLING beneficiary households in selected five Upazilas of Bandarban through improving the productivity of household and communal natural & man-made fisheries resources by adopting appropriate fisheries technologies and varieties in order to support achieving the SAPLING project goal

Impact Pathway

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links outcome to SDG
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links research or development outcome to IDO
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