Scaling up improved sheep fattening practices and technologies in Ethiopia.

Period of Implementation

Aug 1, 2018 - Jan 31, 2019
Total Budget

USD 120,000.00



To use global and regional knowledge and skills to scale out improved sheep fattening practices and technologies to enable enhancement of incomes from sheep fattening in Ethiopia.


1. To scale up adoption of improved sheep fattening technology and practices in Ethiopia sustainably through the implementation of benchmark sites (sheep fattening youth cooperatives and model champion farmers). 2. To develop and strengthen business and institutional models on the YCoop approach involving local organizations, government livestock departments and the private sector (input suppliers. 3. To consolidate and strengthen converging partnerships.

Problems and Needs Analysis

Sheep fattening practices are still largely traditional with low output. There has been minimum progression towards commercial based fattening associated with clear production objectives and financial capacity

Intervention Strategy(ies)

The approach will include a progressive expansion of a network of benchmark sites in form of sheep fattening youth cooperatives (YCoop) and on-farm model farmers (champions) as disseminators of proven sheep fattening technologies and practices and facilitators of participatory learning.

Impact Pathway

Youth groups and model champion farmers undertaking sheep fattening as a business at village level will be empowered through trainings so that they act as role models, disseminators and facilitators of improved sheep fattening technologies and practices to sheep farmers.

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Improved sheep fattening with youth entrepreneurship focus results in improved beneficiary incomes and fatter sheep

Author(s): Laura Becker

Date: 2021-03-21 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Outcome Impact Case Report

Entrepreneurial Skill Development Training Manual

Author(s): Esayas Morka Mulatu | Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2020-02-08 | Type: Manual

TAAT Sheep Fattening Scaling Project - Technical Report

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2019-04-30 | Type: Donor Report

Training of Trainers entrepreneurial training report

Author(s): Esayas Morka Mulatu | Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2019-01-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Conference/Workshop Report

Weight gains of rams of TAAT Sheep fattening scaling project beneficiaries

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu | Nahom Abebe Ephrem

Date: 2019-01-31 | Type: Dataset - Sub-type(s): Other (Field Experiments Data)

Radio programme on sheep fattening in Doyogena

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu | Nahom Abebe Ephrem | Tesfaye Abiso

Date: 2019-01-15 | Type: Audio

Promotional activities for sheep fattening in Bonga: TV broadcasts in 2 Ethiopian languages, Amharic and Kaffa

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu | Nahom Abebe Ephrem | Muluken Zeleke

Date: 2019-01-15 | Type: Audio

Training of Trainers: Entrepreneurship Skills Development_Agenda

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2019-01-15 | Type: Other - Sub-type(s): Course Program / Agenda

TAAT Sheep fattening Project: Progress Report - December 2018

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2019-01-15 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Training Report: TAAT Entrepreneurship Skills Development Training for Youth Groups

Author(s): Esayas Morka Mulatu | Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2019-01-15 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Introduction to Entrepreneurial Skills Development

Author(s): Esayas Morka Mulatu

Date: 2019-01-15 | Type: Presentation

Sheep fattening communication posters in English Language

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu | Nahom Abebe Ephrem

Date: 2019-01-03 | Type: Poster

TAAT Sheep fattening project logo

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu | Nahom Abebe Ephrem

Date: 2019-01-03 | Type: Image - Sub-type(s): Logo

Communication posters for sheep fattening in Amharic Language

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu | Nahom Abebe Ephrem

Date: 2019-01-02 | Type: Poster

Progress report November 2018

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2018-11-30 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

TAAT Sheep fattening Project Progress report October 2018

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2018-10-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Sheep Fattening Training Manual for Bonga - Amharic Language

Author(s): Muluken Zeleke | Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2018-10-30 | Type: Manual

Sheep Fattening Training Manual for Doyogena - Amharic Language

Author(s): Tesfaye Abiso | Addisu Jimma | Jane Ambuku Wamatu | Deribe Gemiyu

Date: 2018-10-20 | Type: Manual

TAAT Sheep fattening progress report September 2018

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2018-09-30 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Synthesis Report: Mobilization of Key stakeholders for the TAAT Sheep Fattening Scaling Project

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2018-08-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Conference/Workshop Report

TAAT Sheep fattening Scaling Framework

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2018-08-31 | Type: Presentation

Sheep fattening cooperatives in Ethiopia

Author(s): Nahom Abebe Ephrem

Date: 2018-08-31 | Type: Presentation

TAAT sheep fattening scaling project - Progress Report August 2018

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2018-08-31 | Type: Report - Sub-type(s): Internal Report

Profiling and mapping of youth group members and champion farmers

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu | Nahom Abebe Ephrem

Date: 2018-08-31 | Type: Dataset - Sub-type(s): Other (Household survey)

TAAT Sheep Fattening Scaling Project Planning Workshop

Author(s): Jane Ambuku Wamatu

Date: 2018-07-01 | Type: Presentation