CRP on Dryland Cereals - DC

Overview: FP2-3 - Sorghum-East Southern Africa

Leader Eric Manyasa, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics - ICRISAT

Team members: 5
Partner organizations: 9

Budget 2024
USD : 

Activities/Products:  11

Code Activity/Product Name Leader Co-leader Total Outputs Output types View
FP2-3.1 Purify/field test 2300 new striga introgressed A/B/R lines at Melkasa- Ethiopia Eric Manyasa Amare Nega 1
FP2-3.2 Evaluate advaced sorghum lines and hybrids in multi-locations Eric Manyasa Henry Fred Ojulong 2
FP2-3.3 Conduct Participatory OPV and hybrid selection trials in Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania Eric Manyasa Henry Fred Ojulong 1
FP2-3.4 Develop early generations with resistance to drought and biotic stresses Eric Manyasa 2
FP2-3.5 Conduct Sorghum Preliminary yield trials Eric Manyasa 2
FP2-3.6 Generate data to facilitate release of at least 1 variety/hybrid each in Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia Eric Manyasa Amare Nega 1
FP2-3.10 Establish, confirm or enhance breeding populations and/or heterotic pools for target ecologies through appropriate pre-breeding interventions. Alphonse Singbo 3
FP2-3.11 Improve grain yield and biomass production Eric Manyasa 3
FP2-3.12 Improve grain and stover quality traits, including grain micronutrient content Eric Manyasa 2
FP2-3.13 Improve tolerance or resistance to biotic stresses Eric Manyasa 1
FP2-3.14 Improve tolerance or resistance to abiotic stresses Eric Manyasa 2
  Personnel Involved