CRP on Dryland Cereals - DC

Overview: FP3-3 - Finger Millet-East Southern Africa

Leader Henry Fred Ojulong, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics - ICRISAT

Team members: 4
Partner organizations: 5

Budget 2024
USD : 

Activities/Products:  7

Code Activity/Product Name Leader Co-leader Total Outputs Output types View
FP3-3.1 Demonstrate and promote intergrated striga management options Henry Fred Ojulong Amare Nega 1
FP3-3.2 Identify and validate simple walking planters and weeders Henry Fred Ojulong Amare Nega 1
FP3-3.3 Identify and validate oxen drawn farming implements Henry Fred Ojulong Amare Nega 1
FP3-3.10 GIS and spatial analysis of major sorghum growing areas for crop modelling purposes Henry Fred Ojulong 1
FP3-3.10 Develop sustainable crop management options in target production areas. Sajid Rehman 6
FP3-3.11 Develop appropriate mechanization options for cultivation. Sajid Rehman 5
FP3-3.4 Train extension staff, agro dealers and farmers in GAPs, evaluation of PVS trials and selection of appropriate technologies Henry Fred Ojulong 1
  Personnel Involved