CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas - RTB

Overview: CA4.3 - Biofortified cassava varieties for improved nutrition and livelihoods

Leader Elizabeth Parkes, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture - IITA

Team members: 12
Partner organizations: 18

Budget 2024
USD : 

Activities/Products:  5

The aim of the cluster is to provide rural households with nutritious biofortified cassava that will help reduce VAD, particularly among pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 years of age
  Key Documents
Code Activity/Product Name Leader Co-leader Total Outputs Output types View
CA4.3.1 Technologies and procedures for demand-driven, gender-sensitive development of nutritious food products based on biofortified cassava Elizabeth Parkes 3
CA4.3.2 Protocols and results of on-farm testing for total carotene content and other quality traits of pre-released biofortified cassava varieties Elizabeth Parkes 6
CA4.3.3 Gender-sensitive protocols and tools for measuring end user and consumer preferences for biofortified cassava Elizabeth Parkes 3
CA4.3.4 Tools and methods for sustained sensitization and promotion of healthier diets in cassava-based food systems Elizabeth Parkes 1
CA4.3.5 Collaboration mechanisms and policy options to support production and consumption of biofortified cassava Elizabeth Parkes 6
Acronym Project Title Year Section Leader Center Budget Start Date End Date View
  Outcomes and Impact
Code Outcomes and Impact Type Indicators View
DO4.3.1 Farmers grow PVA cassava varieties development outcome 1
DO4.3.2 Processors increase purchases of cassava roots with preferred end-user traits and offer new cassava-based consumer-demanded products development outcome 1
RO4.3.1 NARS and Universities release varieties high in PVA carotenoids (that meet farmers and consumers ́ preferences) using participatory breeding and consumer preferences analysis research outcome 0
RO4.3.2 National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES) and NGOs trained on production technologies y disseminate clean PVA varieties research outcome 0
RO4.3.3 Championsand national programs, National Extension Systems integrate tested models for scaling research outcome 0
RO4.3.4 Private commercial sector, female and young entrepreneurs develop and market healthier foods incorporating PVA HQCF cassava flour in products research outcome 2
RO4.3.5 Regulatory agencies certify cassava germplasm for exchange research outcome 1
RO4.3.6 Training by CG centers for NARS collaborators on the use of protocols and diagnostic tools research outcome 4
RO4.3.7 NARES , private sector and NGOs adopt protocols for clean vitamin A cassava seed multiplication research outcome 0
RO4.3.8 NARES train women and youth for commercial seed enterprise research outcome 0
RO4.3.9 NARES, private organizations and NGOs train processors on how to take advantage of market opportunities (business plans, marketing and branding strategies, how to connect processors/distributors and consumers) research outcome 0
RO4.3.10 NAREs, private sector organizations and NGOs develop innovation platforms and disseminate market information to processors research outcome 0
  Personnel Involved