CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas - RTB

Overview: SW4.4 - Nutritious sweetpotato for expanding markets and improving diets

Leader Frederick Kobina Ebo Grant, International Potato Center - CIP

Team members: 26
Partner organizations: 3

Budget 2024
USD : 

Activities/Products:  4

The aim of the cluster is to improve nutrition and diets and provide income opportunities in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean through more diversified and intensified utilization of nutritious sweetpotato
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Code Activity/Product Name Leader Co-leader Total Outputs Output types View
SW4.4.0 Nutritious sweetpotato roots and products Frederick Kobina Ebo Grant 1
SW4.4.1 Tools and models for nutrition education and behavior change to improve diets Frederick Kobina Ebo Grant 5
SW4.4.2 Technologies, tools, and models for upgrading sweetpotato value chains and diversifying markets Frederick Kobina Ebo Grant 3
SW4.4.3 Evidence base, policy options, and investment guides for sustained investments in nutritious sweetpotato Frederick Kobina Ebo Grant 4
Acronym Project Title Year Section Leader Center Budget Start Date End Date View
  Outcomes and Impact
Code Outcomes and Impact Type Indicators View
DO4.4.1 Food providers and institutional stakeholders incorporate OFSP and other vitamin A-rich foods in meals, especially targeting vulnerable household members. development outcome 1
DO4.4.2 Value chain actors exploit new and pro-poor market opportunities for OFSP products, and urban consumers have access to range of OFSP-based products development outcome 1
RO4.4.1 Health, education, agriculture, and food marketing sector implement appropriate, gender-responsive strategies to promote consumption of OFSP and vitamin A-rich foods research outcome 2
RO4.4.2 Private sector (traders, processors), NGOs and governments utilize improved technologies and management models for equitable and sustainable OFSP value chain development research outcome 2
RO4.4.3 Development forums, policy dialogues, food industry forums, and advocacy campaigns consider and prioritize OFSP as part of agricultural and nutrition action plans. research outcome 4
  Personnel Involved